Unless I'm mistaken, this video is the first for sale on UMD by Mudadverturer, who has posted mud videos on YouTube over the past few years. His clothes and style are what many of the other younger mud & gunge guys are featuring here and elsewhere for their sessions-- sneakers, sagging, jeans, cap (knit cap here)--with the basic idea of getting his clothes as muddy as possible. Mudadventurer plays around for awhile, jumping from spot to spot, and only gradually do his shoes and then pants get covered. A final dive into the mud, then a jump onto his back, finishes the scene, along with a close-up of his shirt, which explains the meaning of the video's title. With any luck, Mudadventurer will continue to make new sessions and maybe finally get completely covered, head to toe. Definitely worth purchasing by anyone interested in mud sessions by the younger crowd.
TonyA 8/25/16